An Evening with Russell Simmons_peliplat

An Evening with Russell Simmons (2004)

Not Rated (US) | USA | English | 45 min
Directed by: Tom Spencer

This hour-long one-on-one interview program provides a rare and insightful look into the life of hip-hop's pioneering businessman, Russell Simmons. Taped in Chicago as a part of The HistoryMakers' fifth anniversary, Simmons was interviewed by media maven Cathy Hughes, founder of Radio One and TV-One. Simmons shared his life story before a sold-out crowd of 1,000, telling of his childhood in Queens, New York to becoming a co-founder of Def Jam records to the enormous successes of the clothing line, Phat Farm, and Def Comedy Jam and Def Poetry Jam. Simmons also spoke at length about his philanthropic initiatives and about his political involvement in urging others to vote. Russell Simmons' influence can be felt in virtually all aspects of business and media, be it music, fashion, financial services and even the beverage industry, and he truly is a HistoryMaker. An Evening With Russell Simmons features seldom seen historic footage and interviews with friends and associates filmed over the course of Simmons' career. Taped in front of a live audience at the Art Institute of Chicago, An Evening With Russell Simmons was a remarkable highlight to celebrate The HistoryMakers' fifth anniversary. The program was held in memory of Launa Thompson, who passed away while working on making the event the success that it was. In attendance was previously honored HistoryMaker, Dionne Warwick, as well as numerous other HistoryMakers. Will Griffin, president and COO of Simmons Lathan Media Group was also on hand to premiere a new DVD series featuring interviews of numerous HistoryMakers as they talk about issues of faith, courage and success. The HistoryMakers is committed to the development of a unique on-line archive of 5,000 first-person narratives of African American HistoryMakers, both well known and unsung. When completed, the archive will represent the single largest archive of its kind in the world.

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Release Date
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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
An Evening with Russell Simmons
(Original title)
An Evening with Russell Simmons
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes