Citizen Soldiers_peliplat

Citizen Soldiers

None | USA | English |
This title has not premiered yet

Young UPI correspondent Mike McGreevy is assigned to cover the veteran 28th Infantry Division. Battered and bloodied in Normandy and the Huertgen Forest, the 28th Infantry, nicknamed The Bloody Bucket, is resting in a quiet sector called The Ghost Front, where nothing ever happens but things aren't going to remain quiet much longer. The German Army is planning its last great offensive of World War II, a battle that will hopefully turn the tide of the war on the Western Front. Meanwhile, U.S. Army Intelligence is beginning to gather information that leads them to believe the Germans may be planning something gigantic. Some of the most vital information is brought in by a young Luxembourg woman, named Marguerite Lindenhauser. A member of the Resistance, Marguerite has seen the German buildup firsthand. To confirm her information, the Americans send out a reconnaissance patrol. Mike McGreevy accompanies a squad of tough combat soldiers who are led by Staff Sergeant John Sneed, a veteran squad leader. The patrol turns into a nightmare as the soldiers and McGreevy battle the Germans and the elements while stumbling upon intelligence that can change the course of the war. As Sneed and the surviving members of the patrol race back to their lines and deliver the information, they're given one last mission: HOLD AT ALL COSTS against the German onslaught.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date

No data

Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Citizen Soldiers
(Original title)
Citizen Soldiers
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes