Fantastic Tales Of The Unknown: The Movie_peliplat

Fantastic Tales Of The Unknown: The Movie (2011)

None | USA | English | 77 min
Directed by: Anil Dhokai, Chris Gervais, Brian Oxendine, Micah Troublefield

This anthology in the vein of Creepshow and Tales from the Crypt spins five stories of the macabre and supernatural. Told from the perspective of two fan-boys reminiscing over a long-canceled 80s program, these uncanny images take us to a world of late-night cinema where the strange is unavoidable and death, ever present. An exterminator loses his mind when he fights to control a horrible secret in the attic. A junk-yard worker possessed of memories gets more than he bargained for when he hears voices echoing from objects of the past. A drunken man, grieving the loss of his wife gets a second chance to be with her at the hands of a mysterious figure and a disturbing proposition. Buried in an old flea market, an ancient recliner, haunted by the spirit of its former owner proves to hold deathly consequences for a thieving patron. "Somewhere deep inside the caverns and endless tunnels of the human mind exists a place untouchable... ...where the very root of fear and joy intertwine. It is far beyond the edge of the map, populated by the unspeakable creatures from the shadows of a human soul. It is upon these foreign skies, these rocky shores where the stories are etched. Between the waking world and the deep landscape of sleep exits "THE FANTASTIC TALES OF THE UNKNOWN"

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Release Date
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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Fantastic Tales Of The Unknown: The Movie
(Original title)
Fantastic Tales Of The Unknown: The Movie
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes