Lune de Miel_peliplat

Lune de Miel

None | Germany | German, French, English | 80 min
Directed by: Simon Hoff, Jan-Philipp Matthewes
This title has not premiered yet

When his wife Nicole loses her memories due to an accident, Frank (Sebastian Faust) follows the advice from the attending physician Dr. Vogt (Matthias Kaufmann) and sets out for France. There he wants to reconstruct their honeymoon and document it for Nicole to help her regain her memories. Unexpectedly, while visiting the Cimetière du Grand Jas in Cannes he receives a phone call from Dr. Vogt who informs him that his wife has died as a result of the accident. The death of his wife throws Frank off course - even three years later he reminisces about the time they spent together and travels to Cannes again on the occasion of Nicole's obit. He is unable to recognize Paris' beauty and the interest of street performer Melody (Caroline Tudyka) in him. Instead he finds common ground with the likewise widowed retiree Joachim (Clemens Urbschat) who got lost and rambles through the city to find his hotel. When Frank meets the happy-go-lucky girl Jasmin (Emilie Haus) on a motorway service station and agrees to give her a lift to Cannes, his journey takes an unexpected turn. But Jasmin also has her cross to bear ...

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date

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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Lune de Miel
(Original title)
Lune de Miel
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes