Olga's Promise_peliplat
Olga's Promise_peliplat

Olga's Promise (2011)

None | USA, Nepal | English | 19 min
Directed by: Roy Anthony Cox

Olga's Promise. This short documentary showcases the achievements of Olga Murray and the Nepal Youth Foundation. Since Olga founded this organization, it has rescued tens of thousands of children from disease, malnutrition, homelessness, illiteracy, and severe oppression. The most dramatic example of their success is the Indentured Daughters Program which was created to stop the practice of selling young girls into bonded servitude. In just 10 years, Olga has rescued over 11,000 girls from slavery. Four exceptional Nepali youths tell their personal stories of poverty, homelessness and slavery and their journey toward recovery and education. They represent a generation of young Nepalese who are fighting for social freedom, improved health conditions, and economic independence for women.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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