Looking for the Jackalope_peliplat
Looking for the Jackalope_peliplat

Looking for the Jackalope (2016)

None | USA | English | 102 min
Directed by: Karl Shefelman

20 years ago, writer Jordan Sterling had the experience of his life when he and his college girlfriend, Jennifer, hitchhiked from Ohio to New York after graduation. Since then Jordan's life has become a dull routine of boring jobs and serial dates. He yearns for the romantic adventure he had with Jennifer. Just after his agent hands him a soul killing writing assignment due on Monday, Jordan receives a surprise phone call from Jennifer. Is he coming to their 20th college reunion this weekend? Oh, and by the way...she's divorced. Ignoring his agent's deadline, Jordan arranges to fly from New York to Columbus, Ohio, meet up with his old college buddy, "Dr. Jim", and drive to the remote college campus. Unfortunately, Jordan misses his flight. On a whim he follows a young hipster couple onto a train bound for Philadelphia. The hipster girl convinces Jordan to hitchhike the rest of the way to Ohio, and leaves him with a small gift -psychedelic mushrooms. Jordan pockets the mushrooms and gets off the train in New Jersey to start hitchhiking. There's just one problem...it's night and he's alone. After a nightmarish trek along the highway where he is hit by a flying beer bottle and chased by a state trooper, Jordan finally arrives at the reunion with Dr. Jim, where he immediately encounters Jennifer. She is as stunning as she was 20 years earlier. Though exhausted and sleep deprived Jordan abandons Dr. Jim to pursue Jennifer. Just when things seem to be going well, Jennifer rejects Jordan. He is crushed. After a huge confrontation with Dr. Jim, Jordan ingests the psychedelic mushrooms given to him by the hipster girl. Now tripping, Jordan is confronted by his own worst demon, a talking Jackalope, who persuades Jordan to give Jennifer one more try. In a final twist Jennifer reveals a startling secret and Jordan learns a powerful lesson about the perils of living in the past.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
(Big Apple Film Festival)
(video premiere)
(Austin Revolution Film Festival)
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Looking for the Jackalope
(Original title)
Looking for the Jackalope
Looking for the Jackalope
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes