The Tilbury Run_peliplat

The Tilbury Run

None | UK | English |
This title has not premiered yet

In The Shadow of the Docks the Beach Lane Estate Lies on the shore of Grays Beach. The Beach Lane Estate Has a Caretaker. Meet Harry Ramsey. A Caretaker with a dark secret that he'll protect at any cost. One last deal of his own making will see him alright. A nice little place in Torremolinos, to while away his days. Ever since Harry came to the estate the residents and natives have been quiet because Harry is a member of the old school. Polite to old ladies women and children. Better The Devil You Know Than The Devil You Don't They Say. But times on the estate are changing. Harry won't be able to have his own way forever. Harry's plan for an easy life may not be as fool proof as he thinks. Stevie and Johno have a plan to escape the estate and transform themselves and their surroundings. Involved in pirate radio they see their music as their way out. They'll stop at nothing to get what they want. Rita and molly go back a long way. But friendship only runs so deep. Blood is always thicker than water. Terry Julian is in over his head. Treading water he thinks hes in front. He's drowning. Threatened by circumstances out of his own control. He is heading for a date with destiny. Set in the explosive heartland of Essex during the hedonistic rush of the emerging Club scene. Where drugs Music and money collided with the Essex Underworld. The Tilbury run will take you on a journey from the Essex of The Nineties to Ibiza today. An emotive journey of discovery and becoming.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date

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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
The Tilbury Run
(Original title)
The Tilbury Run
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes