Always Another Mountain_peliplat

Always Another Mountain

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A story that focuses on not allowing the diversity, obstacles or diseases of life to define you but for you to define yourself individually among life's diversities, obstacles and diseases. Embrace the challenges and share the adventures, for in life there is Always Another Mountain. In 1960 Cystic Fibrosis was a relatively unstudied disease, Gene David Foster took his disease and challenged it and made the best of the life around him. David was determined to live and to share; as he always said, I just cough a little more then everybody else. This powerful story brings power to the heart and warmth to the soul. Life is full of mountains, challenges and uncertainty; David G Foster took on both for 37 years. His final wish was to have his story told as a reminder to never give up or feel sorry for yourself. David rose to his challenge by pushing the limits of what CF would let him do and climbed the Sierra Nevada mountain ranges. David saw love, death and liberty over his time on this planet; he also raised the awareness and hope by reaching out to the power of President Bill Clinton who wrote back acknowledging that CF was in fact a disease that was not given the attention is should have. David worked with the CF Foundation and visited others afflicted; David believed that everything begins and ends with a smile. Always Another Mountain is a love story of life and challenge; every breath is as valuable as the next, its just what you do in between that counts the most.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Always Another Mountain
(Original title)
Always Another Mountain
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes