Andrew Dice Clay: Indestructible_peliplat

Andrew Dice Clay: Indestructible (2012)

TV-MA (US) | USA | English | 57 min
Directed by: Scott L. Montoya

The "Indestructible" Andrew Dice Clay is back proving he is in fact the undisputed Heavy Weight King of Comedy in his first stand-up comedy special in over 17 years. The minute the Diceman hits the stage he is on fire staying true to his outrageously shocking and hilarious "Political Correctness is for A-Holes" controversial persona. Filmed in Chicago (St. Charles) at the Arcada Theatre, Dice takes head on every so-called taboo from Gay Marriage to racial-stereo-types to fantastic-sexual-exploits targeting today's woman. As he explains,"I have been waiting for this generation." Older? Wiser? Yes, but more mature? Maybe not as he confesses to fans and critics alike, "It's comedy, it's what I do, If I did one quarter of what I say on stage I would be doing 25 to life." With over 12 million tickets sold throughout his controversial career, Andrew Dice Clay was the first comedian in history to sell out Madison Square Garden--two nights in a row! The Diceman's meteoric rise to stardom sent him on a non-stop whirlwind tour across the nation performing to sold out audiences at 100's of stadiums and arenas. The only artist to be banned by MTV for life, Dice continues to perform his brand of uncompromising and unapologetic comedy without missing a beat. Best described as " always shocking, outrageous and hilarious" by Howard Stern, Andrew Dice Clay Indestructible is certainly not for the faint of heart. From his hit performance on Entourage in its last season to his critically-a-claimed performance in Woody Allen's hit filmBlue Jasmine to this outrageous and hilarious come-back performance in Indestructible, give the devil his due, the Diceman is back and here to stay!

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Release Date
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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Andrew Dice Clay: Indestructible
(Original title)
Andrew Dice Clay: Indestructible
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes