The Meaning of Life_peliplat

The Meaning of Life (2022)

None | Brazil, Portugal, Spain, Iceland | Portuguese, English, Spanish |
Directed by: Miguel Gonçalves Mendes

THE MEANING OF LIFE is a new film from Miguel Mendes, director of "Jose and Pilar". Applying a classical narrative premise to compose reality, the filmmaker presents a hybrid documentary that carries out an existential investigation from our protagonist's point of view. He is a young man who finds out he has an invariably fatal rare disease. When our hero hears his diagnosis, he starts to reevaluate his life. He immediately discards everything that is superfluous in search of what is essential for the reevaluation of his own life. Urged by his new reality, he goes on a trip around the world, and a journey through space and time. Cars, boats, trains, 56,000 km, diverse landscapes, unintelligible languages, and the constant feeling that maybe nothing has any purpose - but that it is, at the same time, an insoluble enigma. Our protagonist travels with a filming crew that records his many encounters, his worldview, and the reflection of a man who is searching for authentic and contemporary answers to the oldest human questions. Side by side with our hero's journey, THE MEANING OF LIFE presents us with an intimate portrait of seven other protagonists. They are public figures who have become icons and have been undergoing their own journeys of self-discovery. A controversial judge, a Human Rights activist, a religious leader, a visionary politician, a respected musician, an influential actor, an award-winning writer. People transformed into characters, stars and heroes who govern the lives of multitudes. These personalities, just like our protagonist, are searching for an answer to the great universal questions. A new perspective comes into play with the introduction of a new character: an astronaut on her way to the International Space Station, where she will be an eyewitness to the objective insignificance of the world.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
The Meaning of Life
(Original title)
O Sentido da Vida
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes