The Animal Project_peliplat

The Animal Project (2013)

Not Rated (US) | Canada | English, French | 90 min
Directed by: Ingrid Veninger

In Toronto, Leo, a single father to seventeen year old Sam, is an actor and theater director, he currently teaching an acting class/heading an acting troupe consisting of six students/friends: Alice, Jason, Mira, Pippa, Ray and Saul. After three months together as group of misfits as he calls them, Leo approaches them with an idea stemming from a dream he had: rather than mount a traditional play, they individually or in small groups would walk around the city wearing animal costumes, akin to animal mascot costumes, to see how they interact with people and in turn how people who have no idea what they are doing react to them. It is a broader representation of a video project Leo conducted with Sam when Sam was eight, Sam dressed in a rabbit costume giving away free hugs, which he could do having been in an animal costume instead of being a human with suspect motives giving away those hugs. Leo gets a somewhat cool if not hostile reaction from the six as a collective, some who just don't understand the purpose of the project or feel that the animal masks would obliterate any expression of them as actors. Consciously or unconsciously, Leo came up with the idea as a means to feel closer to Sam, the two who he feels no longer connect as humans let alone as father and son. Leo can only admit to himself that he needs help in being a better father. Thinking about it overnight and on Saul's lead, he arguably the person among the six closest to Leo, the six decide to oblige Leo's suggestion. What happens with the seven as they don their animal costumes is largely affected by whatever else is happening in their lives, and what they need out of life at this given point in time.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
(Toronto International Film Festival, premiere)
(DVD premiere)
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
The Animal Project
(Original title)
The Animal Project
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes