Half The Road: The Passion, Pitfalls & Power of Women's Professional Cycling_peliplat
Half The Road: The Passion, Pitfalls & Power of Women's Professional Cycling_peliplat
Play trailer

Half The Road: The Passion, Pitfalls & Power of Women's Professional Cycling (2014)

Not Rated (US) | USA | English | 112 min
Directed by: Kathryn Bertine

HALF THE ROAD is a documentary film that explores the world of women's professional cycling, focusing on both the love of sport and the pressing issues of inequity that modern-day female riders face in a male-dominated sport. With footage from some of the world's best races to interviews with Olympians, world champs, rookies, coaches, managers, officials, doctors and even the U.S. Surgeon General, HALF THE ROAD offers a unique insight into the drive, dedication and passion it takes for a female cyclist to thrive despite oppression. Both on and off the bike, the voices and advocates of women's pro cycling take the audience on a journey of enlightenment, depth, strength, love, humor and best of all, change and growth.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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