Caihong City_peliplat
Caihong City_peliplat

Caihong City

None | USA, China |
Directed by: Florina Titz
This title has not premiered yet

Liu Junjie lives in the world of filthy and disease infested sectors known as Caihong City. Having lost his kidneys when he was a child to a mysterious organ market organization, he is confined to a wheelchair and an improvised dialysis machine of his own design. His only chance of recovery is to prove his exceptional genius to the Furui City Committee - the leaders of the rich neighboring metropolis. Liu Junjie has a chance of becoming a Furui citizen if he completes a perfect virtual replica of Caihong City - a Supertask delegated by the committee. However, Liu Junjie's virtual map has a glitch! To find out what - or who- this glitch could be, Liu Junjie and his friends, a crazy homeless Russian named Serioja and a depressed Romanian prostitute named Lavinia, put the map to the test and embark on a journey to unravel the city's darkest and most well kept secrets. But after centuries of sprawl and decay, the city has become a vast labyrinth of strange denizens and characters- mapping and traversing its streets and valleys has become a and life-threatening venture. Nonetheless, with his life already on the line and with two determined companions, Liu Junjie faces the challenges of disease, poverty, friendship, greed and magic in Caihong City and beyond.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date

No data

Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Caihong City
(Original title)
Caihong City
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes