Weit hinter dem Horizont_peliplat

Weit hinter dem Horizont (2013)

12 (NO) | Germany, South Africa | German | 89 min
Directed by: Stefanie Sycholt

On a farm in South Africa, Hanna and Helmut live a seemingly happy life surrounded by nature with their children and their housekeeper Desi. But since the tragic accidental death of the eldest son, a shadow has hung over the idyll. Hanna in particular clings to the memories and fears that once she overcomes her grief, she will also forget her son. Helmut, on the other hand, suppresses his pain by throwing himself into work on his cheetah project. The daughters Mia and Klara also suffer from the loss of their brother - but the endless grief of their parents burdens them even more. By working on a social rehabilitation project for young delinquents, Hanna wants to give her life a new perspective: the family takes in 17-year-old Kai, who was sent to South Africa from a German juvenile detention center. Here, as part of an open prison, he should gradually learn to integrate into a community. However, the rebellious youth shows no interest in a harmonious family life, on the contrary: Kai never misses an opportunity to provoke his fellow human beings. He does not stop at the memory of his deceased son. Although behind the aggressive macho façade seems to be a vulnerable teenager marked by a stroke of fate, Helmut in particular soon has enough of the house guest. He believes that Hanna is looking for a replacement for her dead son in the boy and would like to end the project immediately. In this difficult situation, Hanna finds distraction and understanding with Kai's supervisor, the social worker Eric. But just when Helmut wants to try to work through the grief together and save their marriage during a trip with Hanna, things escalate dramatically on the farm.

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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Weit hinter dem Horizont
(Original title)
Langt bag horisonten
Weit hinter dem Horizont
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes