Marija's Own_peliplat
Marija's Own_peliplat

Marija's Own (2011)

None | Croatia | Croatian | 62 min
Directed by: Zeljka Sukova

A typical cross-section of bigoted neighbors in an ordinary apartment building are invited to an intimate party to honor the memory of the late Marija Violic, a fellow tenant, friend and grandmother. Instead of descending into sentimental cliché, the party soon evolves into a reality show, complete with all-singing, all-dancing interludes. The venue for this unique gathering is Marija's apartment and the music is provided by the hired musicians - a bunch of complete unknowns as far as the guests are concerned but in real life, the hugely popular Czech dance electro-trash band Midilidi. And the purpose of this unique get-together? To finally fulfill a long overdue family obligation to the late, great, dearly departed Marija..

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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