Several intense sequences of violence involving shootings, fights, and other numerous deaths. It is non-graphic, most of the time, that is.
A man is hung at the beginning of the movie (nothing shown).
A car is chased after, and people are shot at, one is stabbed. Several explosions.
People are kicked, punched, thrown, and beaten in a few intense scenes of fighting. One is a prolonged Hunger-games style fight where only one prevails.
Men are shot in several scenes (a little blood).
A man is knifed in one scene, he falls to the ground, presumably dead.
Two people are knocked out in one sequence. They later escape and shoot the criminals.
A man is shot twice in one startling sequence. Another man is shot as well.
Several men are knocked out in a brief scene (off-screen but strongly implied).
A fight ensues towards the end, and a man shoots bazooka fire at another character (explosions).
Men are tied up and threatened to be killed.