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Directed by: WadeBE
This title has not premiered yet

Equitism takes place in an alternate universe set in an era comparable to medieval times. In this world, the governing force, known as the Polis, has been split into male and female consulates. These consulates are separated by gender inequality and a lack of communication, causing a divide in the society. At the end of each year, the two Consulates face off in an often gruesome chess game, using real human beings as pieces, in order to determine who will have power in the year to follow. Our story centers on the newest young entrants into the Consulates as they get inducted, start their training, and eventually begin to question the corruption in the Polis. All of this happens while they also endure the normal trials of love, relationships, and friendships that occur during a person's adolescence. Our main characters are Nichole, the reluctant princess of the female Consulate, and Bonaparte, the hopeless romantic who has optimistic ideals for the future of male and female communication. We follow Bonaparte and Nichole through their experiences of being new to the Consulate and being new to adulthood. Their friends Saren, Sappho, Jerald, and Skewn make for a diverse and complex cast of supporting characters. All of their obstacles lead to the night of the Qu'est Ce que C'est, a grand party held every year for the members of the Consulate. On this celebratory night, we see our characters confront their conflicts in a beautiful setting. However, much also goes awry and it leads into a tumultuous and climactic chess game. Is this the opportunity for our young characters to speak out against the injustice? Or will the barbaric war between men and women rage on? The purpose of Equitism is to show relatable characters in a larger-than-life world in order to highlight the prevalent problems that plague our treatment of gender. Our goal is to teach young people the importance of respect and communication, all while telling a heartfelt and entertaining story.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date

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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
(Original title)
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes