
Roshtalivik (2016)

Not Rated (US) | USA | English | 72 min
Directed by: Nicholas J. Moore

Roshtalivik has "The American Dream"; a wife, a son, a house, and a comfortable career as a web designer. One day his company is contacted by Dr. Franz, a mad scientist, inquiring about a web blog to document his work. Intrigued by his work, Mr. Von, the company founder, takes the meeting with Franz. Franz Rushes into the office running late for his meeting and discovers Rosh, "The perfect specimen" for his latest Experiment X. Focused on Rosh, Franz scares Von, ruining any change in a working relationship, and is kicked out of the office. Destine to find Rosh, Franz hires Andrew to dig up everything he can find about Rosh. With the intel he needs, Franz cuts ties with Andrew and eliminates Rosh's distractions. When Rosh's life crumbles, he turns to alcohol and quickly loses his job. Now unemployed and homeless, Franz swoops in to "save the day" giving Rosh a place to stay. Franz begins using Rosh to test his wild experiments, gaining Dr. Franz unwanted publicity. One day Rosh discovers a web article about Franz' Experiment X. Curious, Rosh confronts Franz about the time travel device. Franz unveils the device and explains the plan. Ignoring Franz, Rosh begins messing with the device and finds himself 80 years in the future. Afraid of what Rosh could do, Franz recruits a team of bounty hunters to track him down. Franz goes mad and teams up with Dr. Enzo to create an AI army of clones. With his army of clones, Franz takes over the world and proclaims Dictatorship. Axton, the leader, of the bounty hunter team, tracks down Zillah, Franz's sister, to find out what Rosh has done to cause this madness. The bounty hunters begin working as a rebellion to take over and free the world. Axton manages to steal a time-traveling device, but The Dictator confronts him and puts the bounty hunters on a short leash. Axton gives the device to Zillah to send her son for Rosh. Unaware that the devices can only go forward in time, Dex leaves everything he knows for the future wasteland. Furious with Axton's behavior, The Dictator gauges out his eye to force his loyalty. In the year 2100, Rosh has landed, and Zillah is working to smuggle him to the rebellion. Confused with everything, Rosh is reluctant to help them, till he explains he's now immortal. When Dr. Enzo interrupts their meeting, the rebellion is forced to take him out. With their loyalty, Rosh agrees to their coup, using Dr. Enzo as a negotiating chip. Shocked by their actions, The Dictator shows up at the meeting and eliminates Dr. Enzo. Against everyone's knowledge, Rosh plans a bomb to kill everyone in the factory and prevent anyone from taking over the dictatorship. Alone in the rubble, Rosh doesn't know what to do with his life. Thinking back on Zillah, Rosh remembers Dex, her son, was sent forward and fears the manhunt will consume the rest of his life. Full of anger and power, Rosh becomes a monster destroying civilization and any hope in the future of society. With Rosh in his sight, Dex agrees to take Rosh to his house. Once there, Rosh is trapped by Luther, The Dictator's son, the original AI clone from Franz. When their plan goes wrong, Rosh tries to eliminate them and continues to wander the world. He stumbles across a young boy, Felix, who triggers Rosh's inner demons. Ashamed of himself and what his family would think, he gives Felix the only time-traveling device to find Dr. Franz before their experiment and put a stop to the endless cycle. Unaware he didn't send Felix back far enough, Rosh sends him back to 2055. Devastated by his creation, Franz tells Felix to relay a message to Rosh and contacts Dr. Enzo to create an army of clones. Now back to 2150, Felix is entrusted to destroy the device as Roshtalivik hunts for the remains of Franz's lab. Once there, Rosh finds a vile that's supposed to reverse his immortality. Instead, the mixture causes Roshtalivik to explode internally. With both Rosh and the device gone, Felix returns home, informing his father he's completed the mission.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
(Richmond, Indiana, premiere)
(DVD and Blu-ray premiere)
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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
(Original title)
Russia (alternative spelling)
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes