Hana's Miso Soup_peliplat
Hana's Miso Soup_peliplat

Hana's Miso Soup (2014)

None | Japan | Japanese | 110 min
Directed by: Nobuo Mizuta

Yasutake Shingo works as a newspaper reporter but his life is stiffled and lifeless. That changes one day when he meets the irrepressible Matsunaga Chie by accident. Just as their relationship is blossoming however, Chie tells Shingo that she has breast cancer. Shingo determines to marry Chie right away, but she'll have to go through surgery and cancer treatments first. Then, not long after their marriage, Chie becomes pregnant. But that means she could lapse back into cancer again. Still, the couple decides to have the child, a girl they name Hana. But as the years pass and Chie bounces between the cancer and cures, she decides she had better teach Hana to take care of things in her place, just in case the worst happens.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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