Code Z_peliplat

Code Z

None | USA |
Directed by: Taj Jackson
This title has not premiered yet

The Zombie apocalypse has begun and spreading quick through the country. The only chance of survival now lies in the hands of Brazilian triplets: Katelyn, Hayley, and Lena. The fiercest, sultriest, fearless trio who fights evil with a strong left hook. Three sisters destined for a powerful journey. Lena, Hayley and Katelyn are not only triplet sisters, they are also human/zombie hybrids. At first, their partial immunity to the Zombie Virus is a huge mystery to everyone including them. However, they later discover that their biological mother had a very rare blood disease and during the triplets birth, she died, and the three of them inherited their third of her disease. What seemed like a family curse growing up was actually a blessing. When the zombie outbreak hit, this rare disease made each of their bloods able to peacefully coexist with the Zombie Virus. That immunity successfully kept their human half safe even though they are technically still infected. They must now learn how to live with and control the virus buried deep inside them. Once they learn how to control this virus, they will be able to use its strengths to their advantage. Now Lena, Hayley and Katelyn dedicate their lives hunting down the undead and looking for any survivors of the recent zombie apocalypse.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date

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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Code Z
(Original title)
Code Z
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes