The Moon Was Too Quiet_peliplat

The Moon Was Too Quiet

None | USA | Scottish Gaelic, French, English |
Directed by: KaiCarra
This title has not premiered yet

Based on the life of KaiCarra, international recording artist and child advocate. In 1985, Kai is anxious to graduate high school, to avoid watching her family's break-up with an impending divorce, and to begin her own life. A better life. So, she flies away from the only family she has known since she was 5 yrs old to Dallas and begin college. But one month later, the unthinkable happens. Coerced by various manipulations and threats, she keeps a soul-killing secret. She endures an abusive relationship, as she buys into the shame that she had somehow caused the situation. Compartmentalizing her reality, she continues to grasp at her future, only to realize she is running out of time. Desperate, she asks for help from her favorite teacher. With the help of a school counselor and her teacher, a bold plan of escape is created. But they are discovered. And ultimately, KaiCarra, alone, must fight for her own life in the midst of hundreds of travelers at the DFW Airport. Just as it looks she has reached freedom, the door to her future literally closes. The only power she has left is her voice: to find her courage and speak her truth.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
No data
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
The Moon Was Too Quiet
(Original title)
The Moon Was Too Quiet
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes