Fighting Demons: An Inside Out Documentary_peliplat

Fighting Demons: An Inside Out Documentary (2025)

None | UK | English |
Directed by: Matthew James Edge
This title has not premiered yet

This is a real life inspiring documentary, to which everyone can relate. We can all all say that we have faced challenges in life, or been hit by obstacles or temptations. Therefore we all 'fight demons' what ever your goal's in life or talents, this sporting story can help you change your perceptions in your life and in real time. This was shot with no budget, with pure creativity and limited resources with the use of DSLR indie film skills and Iphones we have created something that hit's home hard. FIGHTING DEMONS.. An inside out documentary from one brother to another. This is inside/out documentary of a fighter, everyone has demons inside or outside the ring. We all have the ability to reach our full potential, but what separates those with a talent who let thing's get in the way, to those that achieve and become the best in their field. Everyone knows somebody who didn't make it, people can relate to a local Liverpool lad, with a real-story and dream. Jon Edge is an experienced all-round fighter; who started with kick boxing, then Thai-boxing, to amateur boxing, and MMA. He then focused on Muay Thai Boxing, 13 years later can he fulfill becoming ISKA North West Area Champion. Despite letting his demons get in the way in the past, with focus, determination and discipline back. Wanting to be a role model, he hopes to make redemption for his mistakes and letting temptation get in the way. To prove you can achieve and only you can make it happen.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Fighting Demons: An Inside Out Documentary
(Original title)
Fighting Demons: An Inside Out Documentary
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes