Ice to Islands_peliplat

Ice to Islands

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Directed by: Drew Denny
This title has not premiered yet

Ice to Islands is the first film to follow the stories of Greenlandic and Maldivian folks who have to leave their homes because of climate change. The film features Greenlandic researcher Lene K Holm, an Arctic boat captain named Silver, a Maldivian climatologist, and a Maldivian woman who plans to move her family to escape rising seas. Drew Denny began shooting Ice to Islands while aboard the Chasing the Light expedition to northwest Greenland in 2012. Denny had recently scattered her father's ashes across the American southwest and, as she documented Zaria Forman scattering her mother's ashes in the Arctic, she began to wonder: What are the funereal rituals for disappearing landscapes? How do we say goodbye to the ice? How do we say goodbye to the islands? In the Maldives, the 2004 tsunami catalyzed a radical shift in political and religious practice. As Denny documented the highly controversial 2013 presidential election, new questions arose: How do we live in a place that's disappearing? How do we maintain human rights amidst great fear? Denny, Forman and Lebofsky hope to return to both Greenland and the Maldives to follow up with those who so generously shared their stories in this film.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date

No data

Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Ice to Islands
(Original title)
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes