Club Of The Lonely Hearts_peliplat

Club Of The Lonely Hearts (2019)

0 (DE) | Germany | German | 90 min
Directed by: Christine Hartmann

Maria, Helga and Kiki were best friends when they were young. Now there has been radio silence between them for many years. When Helga and Maria meet by chance one day, the joy of seeing each other again is rather limited. There is not so much going on in life for either woman: Helga, mother of two and already a grandmother, mourns the loss of her husband and Maria, whose son Jakob and daughter-in-law Paula have now taken over the family jewelry store, feels no less lonely. At that moment, the third of the trio of girls appears: the eccentric Kiki, who left Landshut and set out into the wide world to pursue a music career. But there is just as little left of her early fame as of her fees. The other two find it anything but thrilling that Kiki, of all people, who abandoned her when she dreamed of a dance café together when she was young, is now becoming her best friend again. And yet the old idea of taking over the Tanzcafé Duell soon begins to take shape. Maria's son Jakob and Helga's daughters Riccarda and Sabine want to stop this at all costs. The three ladies get support from Kiki's crush Cabrio and Helga's secret admirer Lothar, who long for the "Club of Lonely Hearts". That helps to deal with setbacks - because Maria, Helga and Kiki just want to do it again.

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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Club Of The Lonely Hearts
(Original title)
De ensomme hjerters klub
Denmark (alternative title)
Club der einsamen Herzen
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Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes