The Men's Room_peliplat
The Men's Room_peliplat

The Men's Room (2018)

A (NO) | Norway | Norwegian | 74 min
Directed by: Petter Sommer, Jo Vemund Svendsen

Every Tuesday 25 tattooed middle aged men take a break from their everyday lives to meet and drink beer, tell bad jokes and sing dirty rock songs. In their female-free zone, behind closed doors they spend time with their buddies and let their steam out. The brotherhood means a lot to them. They have even promised to sing in each others funerals - a joke of course, it has never occurred to them that it's going to happen. But one day, when one of them confides he's got little time left to live, they realize that life is fragile and that none of them are immortal. This summer they have landed their biggest and most absurd gig ever - warming up for the legendary hard rock band Black Sabbath. They just hope they will all live long enough to experience it together.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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