Hymns of Abarise - Megan_peliplat

Hymns of Abarise - Megan (2019)

None | UK | English |
Directed by: Alex De Luca

"Hymns of Abarise" is being developed into a 10 part series, with more series in the pipeline if it proves to be popular and begins in 17th century England in the year 1646. When the English civil war was at its height and people like Matthew Hopkins (aka the witch-finder general) took advantage. A young woman named Sarah is accused of witchcraft by her own father and has to go on the run with her lover Aldman who is of mixed race, but they get caught and tortured by Hopkins and his posse. By dubious means Hopkins gains the evidence they need to execute the two lovers and they are burnt at the stake. This event has an effect that no one could ever have imagined and is about to change many lives in the year 2019, including that of a couple who are adopting a young girl, a serial killer, a shop assistant and a lap dancing club owner. Tagline: "today beauty dies and the world is remade". Definition of Abarise: Abarise isn't merely reflected in a single world or state of humanity, but all worlds and potentials; it is a singular point in all human experience. As such, it hosts entities whose original states of being have long since dissolved or transformed beyond recognition, others whose worlds are subtly removed from one another or so profoundly different as to be entirely alien.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Hymns of Abarise - Megan
(Original title)
Hymns of Abarise - Megan
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes