Dosage Volume V_peliplat

Dosage Volume V (2008)

None | USA | English |

Dosage Volume V raises the bar with the biggest lineup ever of the world's best climbers, including: Chris Sharma, Dave Graham, Beth Rodden, Tommy Caldwell, Dani Andrada, Patxi Usobiaga, Michael Fuselier, Daniel Woods, Paul Robinson, Daila Ojeda, Ty Landman, Jason Kehl, and many more. DOSE: Meltdown Beth Rodden climbs The Phoenix (5.13a), Cosmic Debris (5.13b), Peace (5.13c/d), and Book of Hate (5.13d), in Yosemite Valley, CA. But those routes are merely warmups for her ultimate project - a virgin crack next to a waterfall that she works for forty days, eventually making the first ascent of Meltdown (5.14c), one of the hardest traditional routes in the world. DOSE: On the Fringe Dave Graham, Ty Landman, Chad Greedy, Jason Kehl and Jon Cardwell tweaking out in The Ozark Mountains, Arkansas. DOSE: A Muerte A tour of hard new Spanish routes with Chris Sharma, Dani Andrada, Patxi Usobiaga, and Daila Ojeda. Featuring Sharma's 9b projects, and Andrada's sport/bouldering hybrid showpiece Ali-Hulk (9b). DOSE: Alpine Blocs High Altitude bouldering in Colorado with Daniel Woods and Paul Robinson. Featuring Daniel's first ascent of Jade (V15). DOSE: The Valley Old is new in Yosemite Valley, CA, where Tommy Caldwell and Randy Puro are opening dozens of incredible new boulder problems. Featuring ultra-classics Yabo Roof (V12), Dogwood (V12), Xenophile (V11) Park Life (V12), Drive On (V11), and Kumba (V11). DOSE: Yangshuo An exploration of the limestone towers of Yangshuo, China with French climbers Michael Fuselier and Axel Ballay. DOSE: Mission: Albarracin Jason Kehl and Chris Lindner go undercover in Albarracin, Spain to sample the area's incredible sandstone bouldering. DOSE: Secrets of the East Check out New England's best kept secrets with boulderers Paul Robinson, Matt Bosley, John Kuphal and Andy Salo.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Dosage Volume V
(Original title)
Dosage Volume V
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes