

A hello, I am an actor living in Winnipeg Manitoba. A man living my dreams for as long as they will have me. The only dream this child ever had... I wanted to swing from the rooftops. I wanted to fly an attack helicopter. I wanted to drive a talking car. Create a beautiful woman?! Blow stuff up?! The only dream this grown child ever had was being these people, doing these things and so much more. Featured extra work in Faces In The Crowd was that first small step, and I proudly have not stopped running since. My love of indie films has built a resume I am very proud of. I have the work ethic, the passion of a man who doesn't do this for the accolades. I do not do this for the money. 60+ unpaid indie roles are a show of the love I have for acting. I act because in my heart it is all I ever wanted to do.
