

Miguel Angel Martinez was born on July 19, 1989 and has always had a love for performing. Whether it was mimicking dances at parties that he saw on TV or just being a clown, Miguel always found himself in the middle of something. Although always feeling a pull towards the arts it wasn't until he was about 12 that the young boy really fell in love with the idea of becoming an actor. Sitting with his dad watching Keanu Reeves in The Matrix, he saw how much his father was amazed and entranced by the movie and from that point on his goal was to act in a film and watch it with his father, hoping to see the same look of approval and content. Miguel was the first born (among three children) and next generation of the family. His parents, Luz Marina Rego, a work from home mother, and Jose Martinez, a paramedic, were both from Cuba and have ancestry from Spain. As a kid Miguel spent most of his time outside with friends recording stunts and small scenes he wrote on a camcorder. By the time he

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