La Casa de los Famosos Colombia
The Idea of You
Mala influencia
Beauty in Black
Lights Out
Solo Leveling
Valle Salvaje
365 Days
Squid Game
Laura Rodriguez is known for El Culto de las Asesinas (2006), Garzón vive (2018) and Bloque de Búsqueda (2016).
Garzón vive
Quest for Happiness
Bloque de búsqueda
El Culto de las Asesinas
Escribo cosas. Cosas sobre cine. Periodista y Comunicador Social. Conoce más de mí. Instagram: Twitter: @santiago_0406 LinkedIn:
It's hard to explain to someone outside the country, but music is a crucial part of Colombian life. The soundtrack to every Colombian's story is well-defined and spans a plethora of seemingly unrelated genres: merengue, cumbia, reggaeton, and even a touch of rock (yeah, latin-american rock is something truly amazing). The musicality of Colombians is remarkable - worthy of study - and undoubtedly unique. It’s something I haven’t encountered in quite the same way anywhere else in the world. Of cou