
modern love(Ep5-6): a one-night stand be between an anxiety disorder and a narcissistic


I will start from the fifth episode in the article, and continue to analyze modern love and its New York feelings. You could follow me if you like modern love. I will bring you more content.

Episode 5 At the Hospital, an Interlude of Clarity

The woman Yasmine comes to Rob's house. It is clear that they are getting ready to have sex. They are undressing quickly. That's great. It's my favorite, a one-night stand for single man and woman in New York. But I feel that the man is a little dull, and the woman is a little suspicious. I suspect the woman will lie to him, or the man is a gloomy killer. All in all, the story must not be that simple. All of a sudden, WTF? Before anything even starts, the man falls down and gets hurt on his arm by the broken glass. Then, the sex scene becomes a slaughterhouse.

Well, they take the ambulance and go to the hospital. My suspicion is outrageous, it turns out that both of them are good people. The episode tells the story of the two of them in the hospital.

Rob has an operation, and that isn't much of a problem. Probably because of the anesthesia, he becomes more talkative. He confesses that he has always lived in anxiety. He would subconsciously tell some irrelevant lies, and would fixate on his sleeping position, even if he is already lying on a hospital bed without even wearing clothes. He is afraid that others will see through his weaknesses, so he finds it hard to socialize.

Yasmine, who stays by his side, also speaks out about her problems. She likes to wink at guys who are going down the escalator, expecting to get everyone's attention and love. She shares her life online, then she keeps checking her phone, and looks forward to comments from netizens. She wants to be the perfect person in the eyes of others. She stays to take care of Rob, not only out of concern, but also to maintain her character.

Y: I want your neighbors to see me through the windows and desire me. I want that paramedic to think I'm the funniest girl he's ever met. Why this need to make strangers fall in love with me?

Her bloody white dress looks indescribable mad.

An anxiety disorder and a narcissist. The two should have planned to have a one-night stand, but then they become close friends because of an accident. They spend the night together. It is not as expected, but restart their life. The best state for two people to get along is to let everything happen naturally. It should be natural enough that they shouldn't care what others think, even they stop talking. It's natural and smooth, just like the shooting style of the episode. I quite like it.

Episode 6 So He Looked Like Dad. It Was Just Dinner, Right?

It is Maddy's 21st birthday today, and her father is giving her touching wishes. Ah, no, it is Tami's birthday, Maddy's roommate. I realize I was fooled, after seeing others and the whole layout. It's a subtly misleading shot, but it is interesting.

Then, a story that puzzles me is told. Maddy wants to find a dad for herself. Her father died when she was a child. Without rhyme or reason, she is eager for father's love. She targets at her boss Peter. But unlike the Electra complex as we think, she only wants a dad. She is at work, even if she is only 21 years old. That means, she either goes to school at an early age, or she didn't go to college. No matter how, Maddy is a young person without any experience. So she even wants Peter to understand her idea of "seeking a daddy", after she seduces Peter.

I don't know how to comment about her, but her behavior reminds me of an old friend. A long time ago, when I was still in college, my roommate met a middle-aged uncle. She told me that the uncle was very polite to her and treated her as a daughter. I told her, don't lie to yourself. Everyone knows what's next, and it does not even need a thinking. She didn't believe it, and continued to keep in touch with the uncle. Then, the uncle asked her to travel abroad and wanted to buy her a watch.

Maddy in the drama finally confronts with the condition. Peter buys her a coat that is very expensive for her, followed by an affectionate kiss. Maddy instinctively pushes him away, and she feels disgusted.

M: What the fuck are you doing?

The two quarrel right in front of the crowd.

P: Laying on bed with me?

M: That was snuggling.


P: What kind of snuggling was it, then?

M: The....the dad kind.

P: The dad kind? So I'm your dad? .......... You need to grow up. This is unhealthy.

M: Oh, and fucking somebody 40 years younger is?

I remember my roommate did not accept the uncle's travel invitation, and naturally, there was no new watch. They never contact again, but she keeps thinking about the uncle because she feels sorry. Seeing Maddy's rejection, I suddenly understand my roommate. Maybe, the relationship between people is so complicated that one of them thinks it in a simple way, it will cause the end of the relationship. Many people cannot understand that a young woman finds a father for herself. However, some people seem to be that simple.

There is no doubt that Peter has feelings for Maddy. So he decides to take a vacation and leaves her. I think he's a very rational person, and so is Maddy. He says goodbye to Maddy in a father's position, just as she wants. What about my roommate? Nothing. After being rejected, the uncle basically vanishes. In fact, it makes no difference whether they literally end the relationship.

What other love stories are there in the huge city of New York? Follow me, I will continue to update the content of modern love.

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